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Check Title and Meta Lengths


Character : 0

Pixel : 0px

Word : 0

Character More Than 12

Pixel More Than 12px


Character : 0

Pixel : 0px

Word : 0

Character More Than 12

Pixel More Than 12px

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The cmlabs tool is an online tool developed to help content writers, SEO specialists and developers improve the quality of their work. All of these tools are free and accessible for all users without limits.

In the latest version of the Title & Length Checker, we are adding a bot and preview feature for mobile & desktop. This newest bot feature allows you to check meta titles and meta desc from any website. Meanwhile, the mobile & desktop preview feature gives you the advantage of seeing how your meta title and meta desc appear on search engines.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021
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In the latest version of the Title & Length Checker, we are adding a bot and preview feature for mobile & desktop. This newest bot feature allows you to check meta titles and meta desc from any website. Meanwhile, the mobile & desktop preview feature gives you the advantage of seeing how your meta title and meta desc appear on search engines.

Updated 15 Mar, 2021

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Title and Meta Checker

Writen by cmlabs


Published at Oct 13, 2023

What is Title and Meta Checker?

Writing titles and meta descriptions in SEO practices is an important thing that needs to be done properly. In this case, The Title and Meta Checker tool plays a role in adjusting the length of the characters and the pixels of the title and description that will be displayed later on the search result pages.

The title and description should be written in accordance with SEO guidelines.You need to make sure that the title and the meta description reflect the content that you write. Those two elements need to be displayed as concise and interesting as possible to attract users.

In practicing SEO, writing the URLs, titles, and meta descriptions is the thing that needs to be treated carefully. URL acts as the representative of the brand, while the title and meta description provides short information about the content to users.

URL’s role is a little bit different from titles and meta descriptions when it comes to content writing. Here are some of its functions you should know about:

  • Helping the search engine algorithm and users identify documents on a website
  • Simplify website address naming.
  • Make it easier for users to recognize the address with easy-to-remember URL characters.
  • Unique URL addresses can be used to identify pictures, files, videos, and documents on the website.

The Importance of URL, Title, and Meta Description

The checker tool can be used to provide a concise and attractive look of the elements seen on the SERP. With an interesting title, you can attract users to read your content.

When it comes to SEO, the use of concise and clear titles and descriptions should be prioritized. Complex and long texts are considered ineffective and unattractive to readers. Internet users tend to pay attention to informative explanations that are relevant to what is displayed on the SERP.

There are several goals to achieve by using a title and meta description checker, which are:

Increase the Page Ranking on the SERP

The title and description are the elements that are first noticed by users. Usually, those two things include interesting and informative words. However, the use of keywords should not be undermined in this case.

Based on SEO principles, using keywords optimally can improve the performance of your website pages. To do that, you can write the keyword in the title tag and meta description to optimize the website pages so they can rank higher on the SERP.

Determine the Conversion Value of CTR

Surely, your website's performance can increase if the conversion value of CTR is high. The way to optimize it organically is to use the title tag and meta description to attract users. Make sure to give clear and relevant information so users do not feel deceived by the content you produce.

The Functions of Title and Meta Checker by cmlabs

The tool plays an important role in adjusting the title and description of content according to SEO principles. As mentioned before, the length of titles and descriptions as well as the pixels should be adjusted based on the provision so they look neat and attractive to users.

Here are several criteria for creating title tags:

  • The title of a website page should at least include 50-60 characters or 500 pixel
  • Unique words are preferable since they attract users

There are certain criteria for writing meta descriptions, such as:

  • Descriptions should at least consist of 50-150 characters or 900 pixels
  • Keywords at the beginning of the sentences
  • No excessive use of keywords
  • Interesting and informative dictions

Thus, the short information about what Title and Meta Checker by cmlabs is. To use the tool, you can visit this page and change the title according to SEO principles. Therefore, you can also increase your website’s performance on the SERP organically.

How to Use the Title and Meta Checker

Writing title tag and meta description generally needs to be adjusted according to the need of website optimization. To see if the title and description you make fits the SEO principles, you can check it with the Title and Meta Checker from cmlabs.

Here are the steps to use this free SEO tool from cmlabs that you must know:

Go to the Title and Meta Checker Page


Figure 1: The display of the Title and Meta Checker page

To adjust the title tag and description, you should access the Title and Meta Checker page on cmlabs site first. Once you enter it, you will be welcomed by the display of two columns, which are Page Title and Meta Description. On the upper side, you will see the column to input your website’s URL.


Figure 2: The picture of Manual and Bot mode in Title and Meta Checker from cmlabs

There are two available modes provided by the tool, which are manual and bot. Manual mode can be used to adjust title and description according to your needs. In this mode, you can write or copy texts and adjust it according to the SEO principles.

On the other hand, the bot mode will display the title and description based on the data from the website’s URL you input in the designated column. You just need to copy the URL of the site or page. Afterward, you can click on the Crawl URL button to get the result of the title tag and meta description automatically.

Input the Text in the Title and Meta Description Column


Figure 3: Write the title and description on the Title and Meta Checker from cmlabs

After choosing the mode, you can input the text in the column. You can copy the text and paste it in the respective places for the title and description. Aside from that, you can write and edit the text right away.

Adjust the Title Tag and Meta Description

To write the title, the criteria of the characters should generally be adjusted according to SEO principles which consist of 50-60 characters. As for the pixel itself, the title should not be more than 500 pixels.

As for the meta description, the text should consist of 50-150 characters. The pixel length of the description should not be longer than 900.

If the writing of the title and description already complies with the SEO principles, the indicator light will turn to green. However, if it doesn’t, the light will stay white.


Figure 4: The lack numbers of characters of title tag and meta description

If the character or the pixel exceeds the requirement, then you will get the warning next to the indicator and under the text. The notification will also be displayed when the characters or pixels are less than what is required by the system.


Figure 5: Excessive characters and pixels on title and meta description

Log In After Using Bot Mode 5 Times

Some cmlabs free tools require a login process after being used for five times. Title and Meta Checker bot mode is one of them. If you have used the tool in bot mode for 5 times, then our system will automatically display a message that states you have reached the limit of usage.


Figure 6: Usage warning has reached the limit. In this warning, there is a login button that directs to the login page.

You can log in by clicking the login button on the warning message that appears. Next, you will be directed to the cmlabs login page. You may enter the required data, or you can log in via Google.


Figure 7: cmlabs login page

Once you've successfully logged in, you'll be able to go back to using the tool to check your title and meta description for free. By logging in, the system can save historical data regarding the use of this tool in the last one year.

Thus, a brief explanation of how to use the Title and Meta Checker from cmlabs. Writing title tags and meta descriptions in accordance with SEO rules can improve the performance of your website pages.

Therefore, make sure that each page title and description can convey content in an informative and straightforward manner. You can use the tool by visiting the Title and Meta Description Checker page and making sure the title and description are written according to your SEO needs.

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Edited at Oct 13, 2023

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